Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Besides quality and reliability in terms of delivery, other important operating aspects include health, safety and environment, and Smulders requires that they meet the highest standards. For this reason our operations are based on carefully documented working methods; we perform risk analyses on an ongoing basis and we keep records of all the production phases in our projects. This type of dynamics can be achieved only in an open-minded organisation, where all the employees feel jointly responsible for the full circle of offering the best service possible.

The safety culture ladder

The safety culture ladder is a standard providing insight in the level of safety awareness within the organisation. The work activities we perform are constantly monitored and adjusted within the context of that ladder. However, the biggest difference can be made by means of our behaviour, of every individual, every manager and every executive specialist. And that is also an amazing challenge: how can you ensure someone’s behaviour is changing and how do you make sure someone remains alert while executing his job? 

The Belgian and Polish facilities obtained level 4 of the safety culture ladder.


In addition to following the certification process, your contribution is indispensable if we truly want to make a difference. For that reason, we recently revived B-Safe. This programme aims at working safe together by looking at each other, observing and addressing someone about certain (unsafe) behaviour. In a respectful, open and positive manner so remarks are taken into account in the future. The B-Safe programme is developed by people on the work floor. The input given for the observational rounds we are about to make together, is composed of input provided by several work groups.