#7 Affordable and clean energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Smulders already invested in a contract that includes 100% renewable energy. But that doesn’t mean that Smulders didn’t undertake anything new. Apart from green energy, we also had to work on energy efficiency.
In 2016, we started developing a new welding technique, ICE. ICE stands for Integrated Cold Electrode and is a form of energy-saving submerged arc welding. The norm is according EN1090 which we achieved in collaboration with VSE Technologies & Exova.
The welding technique was first used in 2017 and 2018. In the ICE process, an additional 'cold' welding wire, in other words one which is electrically insulated, is also melted in the welding arc without extra energy. Therefore, there’s an energy saving of 33%.
#8 Decent work and economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
We work hard at Smulders. The atmosphere during and after working hours is essential. That’s why we organise various (team) events outside working hours. Every year, more than 30 colleagues participate in the 10 Miles and the Dragonboat race in Antwerp. People participate to win of course, but also for the great team spirit.
#9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and stimulate innovation
This objective also includes the quality of the living environment. To this end, Smulders participated in the civil survey on air quality in 2018:
CurieuzeNeuzen [Nosy noses]. The branch in Arendonk was one of the measurement points for this study. By participating Smulders tries to increase the awareness of employees, suppliers and our customers. Two employees also participated and had a measuring point at home. This research gives us an overall picture of where the air contains a lot of nitrogen dioxide. The next step is to limit it!