YOUCA Action Day


YOUCA Action Day

October 18th '18

Meet Romi, student at the Sint-Claracollege in Arendonk. She’s assisting our management assistant in Balen today in the context of the YOUCA Action Day. The money she earns today (50 euro) will be donated to the youth project of Plan International in Ecuador. It’s already been a very interesting and educational day for Romi!

“It was a very interesting day today! I got the chance to have a close look at how a company like Smulders works. My job today was to assistant Sofie, the management assistant. Thank you for this unique opportunity!”

It’s already the 13th time that YOUCA vzw organises the YOUCA Action Day. More than 15,000 students from Flanders and Brussels are working today for the project of Plan International. YOUCA and Plan International Belgium have one clear goal: to cause impact for the future prospects of young people, especially girls in Nueva Prosperina, one of the most deprived neighbourhoods of Guayaquil, Ecuador.